Saturday, September 8, 2018


Hi, guys and we are going to talk about HOTWHEELS!!! Hotwheels is a toy that is playable. There are all kinds of race cars, race tracks, and motorcycles. You can race other people on race tracks. It is a fun toy to experience. BUY THIS NOW IN THE LINK BELOW!!!!


My Tracker Robot - Lego Mindstorms EV3

*  Note from Mom:  In this lesson, we used to make a mindmap.  It really helped Ryan organize his thoughts.  I have included the mindmap below. We also started using to improve his word choices.

     I just finished building my first EV3 robot.  I chose to build the Tracker, because it was the easiest project.   I will show you the features, how they work, how to construct it, and how it operates.  
      First, I will demonstrate the features.  The Tracker controls 2 large motors.  The Tracker also has an eye sensor and a motion sensor.  There are two treads like a military tank.  They allow the Tracker to go over a lot of different surfaces, such as carpet, pillows, rugs, and flat objects.
     This is how the robot performs.  The EV3 brick is the brain of the robot.  It sends signals through the cords to the motors.  The brick can be programmed through your computer.
     The Tracker is built with tiny Lego pieces.  It is best to organize all of your pieces.  My mom used a big tackle box to organize my pieces.  She labeled each drawer.  When to you go to the front page of the instruction manual, you can measure the length of pieces.  I sorted them by color and shape.  You need to read the instructions.  The instructions are in the box.  I built the Tracker in two days.  A big part of  building the robot is testing and troubleshooting. You have to be patient.  Make sure your connections match.  When I started troubleshooting, something was wrong.  The remote control wasn't working right, and the cords were in the wrong place.  My dad tried to fix it, and he couldn't.  I tried all night, and then finally I fixed it.  
   Now that your robot is built, you need to learn how to operate it.  The EV3 needs batteries.  The brick needs 6 AA batteries.  The remote needs 2 AAA batteries.  After the batteries are installed, it is time to control it with the Ipad.  Go to settings to sync the bluetooth to the EV3 brick.  Now the brick and the Ipad will communicate with each other.  If you follow these instructions, you will finish your Tracker and enjoy your robot.  Have FUN!


by amibeth1

Hexbug Nano

Hexbug Nano

Hexbugs are robotic insects.  They crawl around.  They run on small batteries.  Some Hexbugs come with tracks and some do not.  I have a track called The Black Hole.  I got it from my uncle Joe for Christmas.  It came with two Hexbugs.  Create a track like on the picture.  Some Hexbugs glow in the dark.   The regular Hexbugs can't glow in the dark.  There is a little switch to turn it off.  It's on the bottom.  Cats will go insane when they see the Hexbugs.  My cats were staring.  The cats tried to hit them. There is a drop down on the black hole.  My cat Thunder and Mr. Snuggles try to get them.  The cats are on the counter right now trying to get them.  It is very crazy.

By Ryan

Anki Drive

This is a robotic car. It is called Anki Drive.  This  robot uses artificial intelligence.  It learns for itself and thinks for itself.  I don't have it, but I saw it online. You can use an iphone or an ipad to drive this robot. You can race more than one car.  Download the free app.  You control it and drive it.   The starter kit has two cars.  Anki Drive gets 5 stars on Amazon.  You can earn points the more you drive.  You can upgrade your guns, weapons, and capabilities.  The kit also comes with a track so you can race.  It comes with a charger.  The starter kit is $199.95.

Lego Mindstorm EV3 Introduction

Lego Mindstorm EV3

Lego Mindstorm EV3 is an educational robot. You connect it and make robots out of it. It is made out of Legos.  You can download the app on the ipad, iphone, or android.  There is a device in the middle of the machine. It is an EV3 Lego brick. It commands your robot what to do. It bluetooths from your ipad or your android.   There were not any instructions in the box. Oh bummer! Get the instructions online. You can download them for free on  You can learn how to create all the robots. You can create different kinds of robots, motors,  and engines. You can even make it launch balls!

Sphero the Robotic Ball

Hi.  This is Ryan, and this is my first post.  I got a Sphero for Christmas.  This is a robotic ball.  It is a very educational thing.  It is so simple that you can actually play games with it.  You have to download the apps.  Right now, I have these games:  Rolling Dead, Sharkey, Sphero Pet, Exile, and the Sphero app.  I am going to download more to educate myself on how to drive it and do stuff with it.  It is very cool.  It is a programmable ball.  You change colors, you get to drive it, and you get to learn on and on.
